Day 23: Common SCADA Attacks
1 min readJan 22, 2019
Network Attacks
- Service & Application Vulnerabilities
- Brute-force Attacks (Logins and Hashes)
- Pass-the-hash
- Sniffing cleartext password exchanges
- Denial of Service incl. Distributed Attacks
- Packet Injection
- Route Spoofing
- DNS Poisoning
- Session Hijacking
- VLAN hopping
- Spanning Tree Attacks
- VLAN Trunking Attacks
Web Attacks
- Source code modification
- Plugin & Extension Attacks
- Remote and Local File Inclusion
- SQLi
- Browser Attacks
Workstations and Servers
- Device driver attacks
- Cold Boot Attacks
- Password & hash extraction/cracking
- Sinkhole Attacks
Binary and Application Attacks
- Buffer & Stack Overflows
- Format String Exploits
- Input Validation Attacks
- Use-After-Free
- Integer Overflow/Underflow
- Dangling Pointer Attacks
- Off by one attacks
- Ret 2 attacks
User Attacks
- Spear Phishing & Phishing
- Social Engineering
We will be digging into a lot of these topics over the coming weeks so if you are unfamiliar with a few of them don’t worry, try googling in the mean time. My favourites are binary/application and network attacks. To learn more about the basics of these kinds of attacks on SCADA systems, I recommend the following book to get you started: